Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Our Amazing Universe

All my life I have been fascinated by our universe.  The unknown and our steady and slow learning of what is really happening out there has consistently pulled me in.  As a child I dreamed of becoming an astronaut.  I dreamed of being able to explore new worlds and find new species of life.  My young life story telling consisted of different worlds, with unusual animals and diverse species and beings.  When I watch videos like this one below, my mind begins to take flight and I return to my imaginations.

Our universe is ever expanding.  It is enormous.  There is so much out there and it is mind blowing to think of what we could discover if we had the ability to travel at light speed.  My imagination takes me there instead and that is where my writing has come to light.  My fascination with what may be out there, is brought out in my book and many of my earlier writings.  I can only hope I can do my writing justice and bring out the wonderment in other people's minds!

I hope you enjoy this video as much as I did!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Theia's Moons Book One

For those who have not been to my E-books blog, please check it out!  You can also find a link on that blog to my E-book on Amazon, if you choose to download it.  There are three teasers on my blog as well.  Please take a look and share!


You can also check out my Author page on facebook.  Come follow the journey there!


Thank you so much!

Thursday, September 11, 2014