Friday, November 19, 2010

How strong are you really?

I was quietly meditating this morning while my baby was taking his nap and I began to think of all the challenges I have had in my life, including present ones. While I was searching through my mind I realized there was not one of those trying moments in my life where I did not eventually fall on my knees and say a fervent and long overdue prayer to my Heavenly Father. Then I began to think of how long it took until I did turn to God for assistance. Some times I get on my knees almost immediately and other times I push myself for as long as I can before I crumble under the pressure and have no choice but to look for heavenly support. I wonder why I wait. Do I really think I am strong enough without His help? Actually I know I am not strong enough without my Heavenly Father. He is the reason I have made it this far in my life without giving up. However, some times I find myself "trying" to solve all of my life's problems without His assistance and that is when I find myself barely treading water. Who else does this? Are there times in your life where you have thought you could bear all the burdens?

I am reminded of one of my favorite songs sung by Carrie Underwood. Here is the song "Jesus take the Wheel" on you tube...

There was a saying I used to read when I was younger. I can not remember who said it or what the words were exactly. However the overall point was, when you give your life over to God, He can make your life a whole lot better than you can. I realize every time I forget to involve Heavenly Father into my life and life problems, those problems become intensified. I also realized it is harder to stay on task, not give up and continue to enjoy my life despite the issues. Life is going to happen and problems are going to be coming in and out of my life throughout the duration of my life on Earth, but I can still enjoy the moments despite those problems and with God's help I am able to focus on what is important and realize none of these issues will matter in the end. All I can do is keep truckin' along and do the best I can with the abilities I have. Last night I was on Mormon. org reading an article on God's Plan of Happiness and this part of it really stuck out more than the rest...

"Coping with calamities can strengthen you and make you more compassionate. It can help you learn, grow and want to serve others. Dealing with adversity is one of the chief ways you're tested and tutored in your life here on Earth. Our loving Heavenly Father has the ability to compensate us for any injustices we may be called upon to endure in this mortal life. If we endure faithfully He will reward us beyond our ability to comprehend in the life to come (1 Corinthians 2:9). Amazingly, with God's help you can experience joy even in times of trial, and face life's challenges with a spirit of peace."

What are all your thoughts on this? I know what works for me, but does anyone have any advice on keeping focus and not forgetting to include God in all mine and my families decisions? Do any of you struggle with this like I do? What are some miracles that have happened in your life because you include God in your decisions?

1 comment:

  1. I do different things at different times to remain conscious enough to remember God. Sometimes it comes from a trial, sometimes it comes from a victory, sometimes friends remind me in a blog or a recent Facebook post. "Everything is a gift. The degree to which we are awake to this truth is the measure of our gratefullness. And gratefulness is the measure of our aliveness."

    For me right now, it's all about being grateful in all things...even the trials. This morning our family started our Gratitude Board, which we've had since impact.
