Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How To Raise Competitive Kids

It all starts with UNO or Skip-Bo.  At least in my family it does.  We are loud, we are obnoxious and we are not afraid to call each other names and scream when someone ruins our plans for the ultimate win.  Take this past Sunday for instance.  The four older kids and I were playing UNO on our kitchen table.  We were so loud and some times even violent (Kortnie nearly jumping over the table to yank cards out of Chandlers hand because he was taking too long) that when our home teachers from church showed up they thought we were playing full contact UNO!  Nothing unusual in my family when we get all together and enjoy a great card game.  Makayla growled under her breath, “You idiot” when Kortnie foiled her plans and Chandler screamed like a girl when mom sent his plans plummeting down the drain.  It is all fun and games and in the end we all laugh, but boy do I have some competitive kids.  Luckily none of them are poor losers, but spend the five minutes after playing telling each others plans to smear the others win into the past and bring their victory to the front and center.

So, really I have no idea how to raise a competitive kid.  I think it is all in the genetics and since my kids come from two families who love to win and my step-kids do to, I can see why they are all so desperate to be #1!  I enjoy my kids.  I love playing games with them and I love to see them get excited.  Competition in moderation is very healthy, in my opinion and it is FUN!  Enjoying a good game with your kids is good for everyone all around and although we scream, yell and call each other names, I can’t think of a better way to interact and spend time with my kids. 

1 comment:

  1. You should write a book about this. I'm super competitive and my kids aren't. I'd buy it for curiosity and parenting tips. haha!
