Thursday, October 7, 2010


Today was the anniversary of my mom’s death... I’m not really sure how I felt about it. I definitely cried, but I’ve cried almost every day since she died. Some days are better then others... I laughed as well! It was a pretty normal day actually, except I spent more time thinking about my mom then usual. I miss her a lot.. but I know she is with me. Some people ask how I know... well, I just know. It’s something more than science could ever explain. I feel her presence. Her spirit is here with me and she is with the rest of my family at the same time. It’s not my mind making it up, because I’m not thinking about it... I’m feeling it. Spirit to spirit, heart to heart. She is here with me always and although she has temporarily gone from my earthly sight, she is still here with me. She IS my guardian angel!

The day began pretty normal. Wake up, wake up the kids, make sure they get ready for school, feed the baby, begin working from home, hurry my kids out the door to school, go back to working, etc., etc., etc. However, today I did something I do not USUALLY do... I opened up my back door and enjoyed the sun rise from my deck. I have a beautiful view...

I should do it more often. Life is too fragile, too short and too special to NOT enjoy the beauty that surrounds each and every one of us. God gave these visual gifts to all his children and when I take notice of the beauty and serenity I feel peace and love directly from Him. He is mindful of me and He knows my heart. He knows I miss my mom and He knows I have the ability to feel her close every moment of my choosing. I am so grateful for my knowledge of God and of heaven. I could NOT imagine life without the possibility of being with my family after this single adventure of my existence.

My day continued on... the power at work got knocked out due to an accident on the street next to it. I was kicked off my computer for about 2-1/2 hours while they fixed. Shortly after this happened my 14 month old boy began to get “whiny”. He just wanted mom to hold him. I believe the power outage was meant to be. Maybe for many reasons, but for me I was needed by my baby and if I had been working I would have found some other means to entertain him while I finished my work. He had had a rough nights sleep... I believe he is teething but it could possibly be another ear infection. If he has another rough night, I will be taking him to the doctor tomorrow. Any ways, back to my day... This was at about 9 AM. I turned on Sesame Street (he LOVES Elmo) and I pulled him into my lap and I held him. I held him for over 30 minutes... and if anyone knows my baby boy, he does not sit in a lap for more than a few minutes. He was tired, but not ready for a nap. I held him and let him snuggle into my body as he watched his favorite show. I knew he deserved my direct love right at that moment so I just sat and watched his show with him. I have to say, it was the BEST part of my day. I felt very connected with my child and I knew this is exactly where I was supposed to be.

After he went to bed, I took some time to take a HOT bath and relax. Usually during his first nap of the day I exercise and then take a quick shower and get ready for the day. However, today I deserved a relaxing bath with no children and no noise. It was heavenly, divine and definitely relaxing. My body and soul deserved the few moments of relaxation and peace.

The power at work came back on and work resumed as usual. Brayden, my baby, woke up from his nap and was quite happy. He played happily with his toys while I worked. The day was pretty ordinary... I had my moments, as I stated above, but all in all it was a pretty satisfying day.

Later in the evening, we got to go to Parent/Teacher Conference. Last year had been horrible for both my older kids. Partly my fault, partly my kids fault. So, I was dreading what I was going to hear even though I knew both of them were doing far better this year than last. Chandler struggles in reading and composition... they put him in resource at the end of last year. Over the summer we got a reading composition book from Barnes and Nobles and he worked hard on it. I was hoping this extra assistance would keep him from falling back through the summer break and I was actually right. He not only did NOT fall back but he had come leaps and bounds in his reading and composition. His teacher and his resource teacher were so proud of him. They were amazed at his progress and they felt very confident in his abilities and knowledge. His teacher actually called him a sponge... he soaked in everything they were learning. A complete turn around from last year! I joyful moment for mom and dad!

MaKayla was next... last year had been hard. She was late a lot, thanks to me and she missed a lot of assignments that I never heard about until it was too late to really catch up. I felt like a failure of a parent. We talked a lot about it this summer and she agreed to give it everything she’s got and to never miss an assignment again. She is in 6th grade now and I told her they would be preparing her for Junior High so there is no room for missing assignments. That’s all it took with her. Her teacher is amazed with her. She is a delight to have around he had said along with (paraphrased), “I don’t have to worry about what she is doing, because she is always doing what she is supposed to be doing.” He also said when it comes to reading and composition she is way above her level, she has excelled in the subject. On her testing scores for the state she is far above the school and state average in all subjects. A very proud moment!

The day was actually pretty amazing. Although I missed my mom and I had a few very hard moments through out the day, I felt a lot of peace and I KNEW God and my mom were there with my family and I. It was a day of reflection, a day of remembering and a day of acknowledgment.

As the sun was setting I stepped outside on my back porch once again to take in the beauty of our world once again. I really do have a beautiful view and I am TRULY blessed! Count your blessings people...

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